I'm a self employed carpenter who has moved from Kyogle to be closer to the coast with my family. I have always loved the sea and I see this as a great opportunity to live with my family in such a beautiful place as Yamba.
I have always enjoyed caring for my own lawn and yard and now I will enjoy using my skills in maintaining your yard.
Our home is our Pride & Joy
It is so true that our home is our castle which means we have so much pride in it. Having it looking good and being in good repair gives us all so much satisfaction. Sometimes those jobs in maintaining the yard can be overwhelming when there is so many demands placed upon us from your daily work or from the demand of the family. Is it not better that the yard can be maintained at a little cost so you can enjoy your weekends to relax and enjoy family life?
Weekends are for recouperating
How do you relax when you see the jobs waiting to be done? I would like you to consider a Maintenance Contract with Treelands Yard Care to take over the responsibility of ensuring your yard is kept to a standard where you want to enjoy your time at home and more importantly relaxing following the hectic week at work.
There are always jobs need doing
How also so true, that there is a multitude of jobs around the house that need fixing but never seem to be getting done. Is it just finding the time or is it fitting them in with everything else that has to be done in family life.
Now no job is too small
Just give me the list and let me work through them. No worry about whether you have the tools to do the job, I have the tools and more importantly I will make the time. Now you do not have to walk around the jobs any longer. They will get done and you will have your home operating the way it should.
I have always believed that the best part of doing a job is the satisfaction at the end of the job and to be able to stand back and say to yourself "that looks great".